Dear customer
This is Dream of Doll
We are sending this mail to give apology about the delayed depature.
We are not forgetting the oder the customers have made,
But there are so much numorous orders made at December 2008.
And all our staff is trying the best for the perfect and fastest delivery.
But we assume we can't avoid the delay
Our staff all feel pitty and inconvenient that we cannot keep the promise with our
important clients, but again we will try the best for the fastest delivery !
Thank you so much for reading the mail.
Have a nice day.
Yours Sincerely
- Dream of Doll -
Если кто-то из моих клиентов, знающий английский лучше меня, сможет изыскать в этом письме конкретную дату отправки кукол - пожалуйста, дайте мне знать.

This is Dream of Doll
We are sending this mail to give apology about the delayed depature.
We are not forgetting the oder the customers have made,
But there are so much numorous orders made at December 2008.
And all our staff is trying the best for the perfect and fastest delivery.
But we assume we can't avoid the delay

Our staff all feel pitty and inconvenient that we cannot keep the promise with our
important clients, but again we will try the best for the fastest delivery !
Thank you so much for reading the mail.
Have a nice day.
Yours Sincerely
- Dream of Doll -
Если кто-то из моих клиентов, знающий английский лучше меня, сможет изыскать в этом письме конкретную дату отправки кукол - пожалуйста, дайте мне знать.